Upcoming Events


May 12
In conjunction with Adam’s Forge at the new Los Angeles Industrial Arts complex in Glassell Park, GWG will be participating in their grand opening party & open house. Demonstrations of woodturning & metalsmithing will be ongoing during this event. In addition, there will be a gallery featuring artists affiliated with LAIAC & GWG. Food & beverages available as well, hope to see you there. For further information email or call Sandy Huse at: askzeldaagain@gmail.com or 323.637.2312

Or visit the Adam’s Forge website at: http://www.adamsforge.org/Adams_Forge/News_Blog/Entries/2012/5/12_Save_that_Day!.html

May 20

Museums of the Arroyo Day (MOTA Day). 5 museums along the Arroyo Seco in Pasadena/Highland Park open to the public for free. GWG will be demonstrating woodturning along with other crafts groups at Heritage Square Park in Highland Park. Music, food, fun for all! For further information please visit the MOTA website at: http://www.museumsofthearroyo.com/

Or email/call Sandy Huse at: askzeldaagain@gmail.com or 323.637.2312

June 3
Lummis Day Celebration at the historic Lummis House in Highland Park. Please join us for a demonstration of woodturning in the beautiful garden at the house. There will be many artists & craftspeople there as well as food & entertainment.

For further information please visit the Lummis Day website at: http://www.lummisday.org/2012/2012-EventSchedule.html

Or email/call Sandy Huse at: askzeldaagain@gmail.com or 323.637.2312

last updated 11/09/2024