Whistle Plans brought by Bill Haskell
New section below is devoted to handouts provided by speakers at both meetings
and demonstrators
If you are a club member and see this section, mention it to me at a meeting.
This way I will know if this section is worth the time and effort to produce it
for the club. If you have any prior meeting handouts, please email them to
Craig Sobel
Amy Earhart Sources related to October 10, 2010 club meeting on Acrylic Turning Click Here
PJ Hays and Amy Earhart Sources and photos related to September 12, 2010 club
meeting Click Here
David Ellsworth Demo September 26, 2010 Sources of supplies he uses
Click Here
Craig Sobel February 2009 demonstration of Worksharp 3000 tool sharpener
Click Here
Dan Hogan demonstration on July 10, 2010 on turning Alabaster and his sources
Click Here
last updated 10/11/2010